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Dia de los Niños
Saturday, April 29, 2023, 11:00am - 03:00pm
Hits : 4084
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May be an image of text that says 'City of Visalia Parks Recreation and Tulare County League of of Mexican American Women Present Dia de los Niños 32nd Annual JOIN US AS WE CELEBRATE A DAY FOR CHILDREN! SATURDAY, APRIL 29TH 11AM PM SUMMERS PARK 247 W. FERGUSON AVE. LifeBette Tulare County L”aguof Mexiean Americar / n TRADED'
We're excited and proud to be a part of Dia de los Niños and support the City of Visalia and Tulare County League of Mexican American Women in their mission to make a positive impact in the community. Stop by and learn about the great programs the William M. Maguy School of Education has to offer! See you next Saturday, April 29th from 11am-3pm.
Estamos orgullosos de ser parte del Día de los Niños y apoyar a la Ciudad de Visalia y la Liga de Mujeres México-Americanas del Condado de Tulare en su misión de tener un impacto positivo en la comunidad. ¡Visítenos y conozca los excelentes programas que la Escuela de Educación William M. Maguy tiene para ofrecer! Nos vemos el próximo sábado 29 de abril de 11am a 3pm

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